Thursday, August 27, 2009


This weekend I decided to take a stroll in the Nintendo DSi shop to see if anything new was available. I haven't checked it in a long time and was delighted to see that they had added a new free application. It's quite a nifty little application that allows you to produce your own flip note animations. Here are some of the ones that I have done in the past couple of days. Enjoy.

This is my first animation that I did in the program.

Here's a shout out to our friends in Cleveland.

And finally since birthday month is coming up I thought that this would be appropriate.

And finally since birthday month is coming up I thought that this would be appropriate.


Shannon said...

There are not words that can describe the love that we feel for you guys. Jeff, that was beautiful! You should really turn those into the cartoon network and see if they will give you your own show. Thanks for the animation! We LOVE it!!!! I wish I was that creative. If you make more, POST THEM!

Shannon said...

Seriously though, we really did love it. We were dying over here.


Jeff you are seriously so funny, only you could come up with those. I love ya and miss ya and will call ya tomorrow. I am going to have to stop reading your blog at night, I keep waking my family up, because you make me laugh so hard.