Wednesday, August 11, 2010

O' catalyst, where art thou?

I have long known that I have a secret ability to pick up radio signals some how in my head. I hear (Yeah that's right I hear) the cuckoo bells going off in your head but believe me it is so. Sarah is my witness to it. I have on countless times started singing a song out loud and turned on a radio only to find that surprisingly that song is playing or is the next song to play. I know or rather hear what you are thinking, the songs are just overplayed and I could easily just have the song in my head from earlier on that day. But I don't listen to the radio that much. In fact, I seldom listen to the radio because I feel it interferes with the internal songs bouncing around in my head and I can only listen to one song at a time and more often than not I prefer the song in my head. Much to Sarah's dismay.  But these songs are not from overplayed groups like Nickelback or Wilson Philips. I swear radio stations have a quota for how many times they have to play "You're in Love" or "Rockstar". But these mind songs seem to be forsaken songs that I haven't heard in years. It can't be just some random event. My claim to have this ability has to be legitimate. Either I can hear the radio waves or I have to ability to call upon some force so that I hear exactly what I want to hear. I could also just be crazy which is also very likely.  But either of the former ways make it so I have a special ability and the latter makes it so I can still think it and that makes it reality.  The only problem with this ability is it is not nearly strong enough.   So I looked up on Wikipedia what I need to have to become a superhero.
1- There has to be a presence of the ability whether it be natural talent or supernatural talent. Check.
2- Most heroes were apart of some catastrophic event or a catalyst that will bring their abilities to the next level. Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider, all the X-men and Kal-El are exposed to radiation changes and their DNA morphs, Bruce Wayne wants revenge on his parents death, Captain America beefed up on Vita Ray treatment, and Bruce Banner has a little mishap with his gamma bomb invention. So I, too, must find a way to be part of a one of these events so that my full power can be realized. I am hoping that is not the event where I have to reap revenge on those who have killed my loved ones. I can't bear that.  But I am in luck I work in a lab and surely that has increased my chance of one of these other strange events occuring. Maybe some stray radioactive rat or rabbit from the oncology lab will attack me in the hall someday. Or all the machines in nuclear medicine go haywire and start a cataclysmic event that I somehow don't escape because I can't hear the overhead speakers to evacuate (I occasionally work in a room with 13 freezers and can't hear any of the fire alarms or alerts that are broadcasted over the PA).
3- Most super heroes have a strong moral code, which includes a willingness to risk one's own safety in the service of good without expectation of reward. This one is self explanatory. And I do think my actions tend to be for the good so I think I am on track with this.
4- Most super heroes are independently wealthy. Oh dear.  I am not but after my full powers are realized I suppose that I could go figure out a way to make money.  It is not really gambling if you know the outcome of a race or match that you place wager on, is it?  Even goody two shoes Peter Parker used his powers in the beginning to make a little money.  I am entitled to a cut as well.
5- Every hero needs a lair or a hideout.  I am thinking that I will just construct a rudimentary structure on a radio tower and set up base there.  Easy one. 
6-A distinct costume-  This one is tricky.  I want to be taken serious so I don't think I can have a huge antenna on the top of my head.  It is cliche and ridiculous.  I think I will just walk around in a big ear costume.  So much better.
7-An Archenemy-  This too is hard.  I know that my ability can help me with petty criminals (intercepting police scanner waves and all) but the only archenemy I can think of would be Photon: the villain of light.   He would travel at the speed of light.   I would have to travel at the speed of sound which means he is a great deal times faster than me.  So I would get to the scene of the crime well after it is happened. This is a problem.  Solution:  I would have to use my wits and my ability to hear into the future his plans and devise ways to slow him down (with water)  or trap him (in opaque box).  He will torment me with irksome songs that I will be forced to listen to over and over.  It will definitely be a challenge but I will be able to handle it.  Good will always win out in the end.

So the plan is set and I am waiting patiently for that primary event to happen.  Unless someone else out there knows another way to become a super hero.


Helpingstine's said...

WOW! How I miss that crazy brain of yours. Your new blog design is great. With October coming soon it seems wrong to not have you and Sarah here. But SLC has worked out really well for the two of you and that is what we want for our Rollo friends. Thanks for the Jeff insight.

sarah jane said...

Oh sweetie, you are hilarious!